We are getting a lot of new subscribers so I thought I would take this opportunity to kind of go over exactly what EZ Piecing is all about. We design blocks and patterns and then also manufacture these designs onto a leave-in foundation. The process is much the same as paper piecing but with a few added improvements. When stitching our foundations, you should use a "normal" stitch length (10-12 stitches per inch). When paper piecing, its advised to use a tiny stitch to help perforate the paper to make it easier to take the paper out when the block/quilt top is finished. If you have ever been paper piecing and made a mistake and had to take the stitches out, you know that it is a real pain, plus, you ruin the paper and have to tape it back together. I would always just throw that block away and start again! Our foundations are pretty much self-healing. If you sew the wrong piece or have a fold in the fabric, you can take the stitches out and it won't compromise the foundation at all.
Another advantage is the obvious, you leave it in when you are done. The fabric that the foundations are printed on is so shear, you really can't tell its in the quilt. Plus, it helps to keep everything from stretching or getting out of shape. If you have bias edges, it keeps them straight. These foundations don't add any weight or bulk to your quilts so they quilt up beautifully, either by machine or by hand.
And, that backwards feeling we all get when doing paper piecing? You don't get that with our foundations because you can see through them. You know exactly where your fabrics are and it all makes more sense when you can actually see what you are doing. You still get those perfect points and accuracy but its just so much EZ-er! Being able to see through the foundations makes it really easy to use fussy-cut pieces and get them right where you want them.
All of our packages, blocks and patterns, come with a cutting chart to tell you what size you need to cut all of your pieces so you don't have to guess. If you haven't tried our product, check out our website at www.ezpiecing.com and I'm sure you will find something that interests you. Our patterns, which contain detailed, step-by-step instructions for even a beginner, start at $10.95 and up.
I totally forgot that I had not finished my own Star Sampler Quilt so I dug it out of the UFO bin and got back to it. I have two different six-inch block sets left to do plus the last round of Diamond Border Blocks. What I like most about this quilt is that it can be assembled as you go. I did get the remaining blocks cut so getting them stitched up will be between packing and traveling. Every time I look at this one, I envision it on our bed. I love the Rainbow Pineapple that is on the bed now but I think the Star Sampler will be on there as soon as it is finished.
The Rainbow Pineapple Quilt is made from the scrap bins. I see another one of these getting done very soon. Its a nice project to have by the machine to work on at your leisure. When I made this one, I just pulled one color drawer of strips and sat it on the table next to the machine and when I had a few minutes, I would stitch a round or two on a block. Sometimes, if I had a full afternoon to sew, I would get a couple of blocks made. It really was a lot of fun and remembering where the different fabrics came from or were used brought back memories while I was stitching. And, it really is a great stash buster!
We are almost done packing for the quilt show in Oklahoma City. We will be doing a little over a week of vacationing on our way – getting to spend time with my grandsons (Donald and Laura too!) is always an adventure. The boys are growing so fast and this grandma doesn't want to miss any of it. I hope to meet a lot of you at our upcoming shows, that is my favorite part about doing the in-person shows; getting to meet and talk with other quilters and sharing our passion. Stay safe and stay healthy. HAPPY QUILTING!!!