Finishing up...

I got the Diagonal Stripe Table Topper finished – even quilted and the binding sewn on. This table topper takes just one package of blocks (16). Its a simple block but the foundations are great because they hold all four outside bias edges to the correct size. It makes sewing it together a breeze and no stretching or out of shape blocks! Its at the house, waiting to have the binding hand stitched and it will be DONE! Can't wait to put it on the table.
I have completed three large quilts (I will share them later after they have been gifted) and all three are currently having the binding stitched down and labels sewn on.

I also got the Curved Log Cabin Table Topper quilted and the binding sewn on. Yes, the table at home has quite a large stack of quilts waiting their turns to get the binding stitched down on the backside. After dinner, we sit and watch TV and I stitch. Its very relaxing and I always love them when this step is completed. Not only because they are done, but doing a nice binding just makes them look and handle like they should. And yes, it does feel good to say its totally done.

When we were in Texas a few weeks ago, I completed the color half of all 192 5" Diagonal Stripe blocks that I need for this quilt. Today I cut the neutrals and started chain piecing them. There will be a pattern coming once I have completed this. I still need to decide on a border for it.

I also dug out these Wayward Spikes Blocks. I was asked to design a very colorful king size quilt so I dug through the batiks and have the strips cut for all 144 blocks. These finish at 10" and once the strips are cut and organized, sewing them up goes pretty fast. This too will have a pattern coming once the sample is complete.

These guys come to the yard about four times a day to eat their corn and grain. Its been fun watching the tiny babies grow up. They have a routine and a route that they follow in the neighborhood. One of them got hurt early on and is limping a great deal. He has been cast from the flock so stays pretty much around our yard all the time. He is getting pretty tame – the dogs are used to him and sometimes when they are laying in the patio, he still comes in to feed and get water from their water trough. Mother nature is truly amazing.

I actually took some time yesterday to work in the vegetable garden. A few of the plants were done so I pulled them out, trimmed a few other things and picked an array of items. Our weather has turned cold again so ripening has slowed down. That is kind of a good thing because the tomatoes were coming too fast to keep up with and I haven't had the time to do any canning. Today I will be making a tomato/cucumber salad and pico de gallo.
It sounds like the Covid-19 numbers are going down and that we might actually begin to get on the road to recovery and normalcy, whatever that is. I think some things will forever be changed but common sense is the best rule. Once again, I have to say that sewing is what has saved me over these past five or six months. I got up every morning still excited to see what I could create or work on. I love every step of the quilting process and that has kept me going. I really hope that you have found peace through your own creativity, no matter how simple or technical your projects. Its always good to have an outlet or an activity to keep your mind sharp and your heart fulfilled. I hope you are staying safe and staying healthy and continue to be HAPPY QUILTING!