Free Patterns! (2.0)

Yes, I know that is what I named my last blog but I have actually got a couple of things posted on the Instructions page on our website. It was brought to my attention that when we switched over to the new website, we forgot to put the instructions for making the New York Beauty Block on there. To anyone else that was looking for them, I am really sorry. Especially since it is printed on the package that the instructions are posted on the website. So, now we have them there. Whew!

I also got the pattern for the Dutchman's Puzzle Table Topper and Hot Pads (2) written and posted. If you go to the Instructions page, you will find the buttons for the links to the instructions. This pattern was designed to use a package of our foundations that contains 6 blocks for only $4.95. Its a really inexpensive way to try our product or to make an inexpensive but impressive table topper quickly. I have a couple more patterns almost ready to put on there but we ran into a little technical difficulties. My domestic machine that I have been using for almost 30 years to do my art quilts and free motion quilting on small projects, finally decided to retire itself in the middle of one of these projects. I pulled out an even older machine that could drop the feed dogs for free motion quilting but there was one problem – it hadn't been used in way too long of a time and the lever to drop the feed dogs was frozen. That's when you realize you are really lucky to be married to a man that is so mechanically savvy. We watched a quick video saying that this is very common with machines that are not used like they should be. In about an hour or so, the hubby had the machine purring. He re-made the table extension from the retired machine and later that afternoon, I was quilting the Dutchman's Puzzle Table Topper. Its not the best but it got me used to this machine and I have to say I am really enjoying it. Bob bought me this sewing machine for our third Christmas so that would make it almost 45 years old! Oh my. That makes me feel ancient.
My other delay came from my decision that the fabric I had for the border of the Flying Geese quilt that I had a picture of in my last blog, was not what I really wanted. I ordered the fabric I really wanted and it has shipped so as soon as it arrives, that quilt takes priority. The third quilt that I have planned for the free instruction page is almost done but while quilting that one that is when my machine decided to retire itself. The instructions are written but I need to finish quilting the border so I can get some pictures. It should be done very, very soon.

I have been taking time to work in my yard every day. My vegetable garden is going really well. The berries are ripening almost faster than I can pick them – we've been picking for over a week and are getting about 2 quarts each day. I bring them in and wash them gently then lay them on paper towels to drain. I put a layer of parchment paper on a really large cookie sheet and lay the berries in a single layer. Then I put the sheet on the top shelf of the freezer over night. That way, in the morning when I bag them, they stay individual so I can grab just a couple or a whole bunch when I want to make something with them. Of course, every night we have to have a few fresh ones for dessert. We've got an array of squash growing, corn, tons of tomatoes, tomatillos, a variety of peppers, cucumbers, strawberries and my two avocado trees are loaded with fruit. I can't help but feel that my grandmother would be proud of me.
I will do a follow-up post on the remaining free patterns in the next couple of days. I miss not being at shows and getting to visit with so many wonderful quilters but hopefully, things will get back to normal, whatever that might be, in the next few months. Right now, our first scheduled show is in Denver August 20-22nd. We haven't heard anything to the contrary so we are hoping its a go. In the meantime, I hope to get a lot more of these projects done and lots of vegetables harvested.
Stay safe and healthy! HAPPY SEWING!