Ready for Fall?

We had some really hot days last weekend which had me working in the house most afternoons. Then, in two days, the temperature dropped at least 30 degrees. And we haven't seen the sun for days – between fog in the morning and the heavy smoke and ash from all the fires, I have no problem staying indoors. I am feeling the need to start decorating for fall, including using my Autumn Splendor Table Topper. I am actually thinking about making another one but using a beige background and some richer fall colors. I'll keep you posted as to whether it gets done for this year or not.
I wanted to share a couple of pictures I received last week. Dana Denney was kind enough to send me some photos of two of her EZ Piecing projects.

I have never seen a Hunter Star put together quite like this and I love it! Dana does beautiful work. Thanks so much for sharing!

I have a couple of shops that need some samples to show so I am working on another Witch Way??? Quilt. This one is so much fun.

There is still plenty of time to get one of these made to celebrate Halloween. I'm looking for a Halloween themed chess set. Our son plays chess and we started a collection of various sets for him over the years and I think if I can find such a set, I will be gifting him the set and the quilt to play it on.

We just received word this morning that our Denver show that had been rescheduled to November, has been cancelled. Show dates for next year are scheduled for March 24-27, 2021 at the Denver Mart. We love doing the show in Denver and have made some very good friends through that venue. Can't wait to get back!
If you get a chance, watch the Pretty Little Quilt Shop live on Thursday nights on-line. Jackie and Sean do carry our patterns and she always has the most awesome fabrics and kits available. And, we are excited for Sew Hooked Quilt Shop in Corpus Christi to be re-opening on October 1st after being shut to foot traffic because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Looks like we are going to be scheduling a class down there for their anniversary celebration in February. I sure hope life starts getting back to a more normal pace. I have certainly used this down time to full advantage, getting so many projects done and so many more started! I hope you are all using your down time in a useful and creative way. Stay safe, stay healthy and HAPPY QUILTING!