T-shirt Quilts

Funny how things go...last night I replied to a post about a baby memory quilt and showed the picture above which is made from a baby's first year of t-shirts.

My friend, Debbie was here yesterday and is back again this afternoon working on a t-shirt quilt (her very first quilt!). And, I am working on two t-shirt quilts that are long overdue.

Debbie is getting the hang of this. First row done; five more to go!

I had a huge bin of t-shirts from a friend so pulled 24 shirts out and cut them apart. Next step was to set the pre-printed foundation exactly where I wanted it (on the back side) and used a basting spray that doesn't leave gunk on the needle and once steam ironed, is gone. After spray basting, I ran a basting thread around the outside close to the marked sewing line. Then trimmed all four sides 1/4" from the sewing line. Each quilt will have twelve blocks to make a nice size throw quilt. I got all 24 basted and trimmed and laid out in the order I want them to be stitched.

I decided to do a little different sashings so got the strips all sewn together and started cutting and stitching.

I can't wait to finish these up. These shirts all bring back so many memories of travels together, going to races and camping.
We have been lucky enough to be eating lots of goodies from our garden. Last night was mashed butternut squash. This was a first for me and I really liked it. Thank goodness because I have at least five more on the one plant. We had our first tomato in our salad (we've been picking the cherry tomatoes but they never seem to make it into the house; they are such a great snack!) We also had cucumbers in our salad and a bell pepper.

When I bought the pepper plants, I thought I had bought 3 green bells, an orange, a yellow and a red. Well, someone must have switched the tags in the container because one of the green "bell" peppers was some other kind of pepper. Its long and has black streaks on it so its not a jalapeno. I picked a bunch before we went to Texas and we roasted them one night for an appetizer. The ends were well flavored and mild but as you worked your way up toward the stem, they got hotter and hotter and they don't have any seeds in them. I think they will be great in some salsa.
I hope you are all staying safe, staying healthy and having some fun in the craft room or wherever you do your sewing and crafts. Take time to enjoy the little things and HAPPY QUILTING!