Curved Log Cabins

I was asked a few weeks ago if I had an uneven or Curved Log Cabin block, and as is so often the case, I have a lot of blocks already designed that I just have not had the time to get the samples made. Obviously, I can't offer blocks or patterns without making them up, so I checked in my library of blocks and found the block. It was even already done in the size this lady had requested! How lucky was that? I got busy and designed a table topper pattern so that I could make sure I had everything perfect on the blocks before putting them into production.

I added some border blocks and this is what I came up with. I decided it needed a little more to make it interesting, so I added the applique.
After making this first table topper, I played around on the computer with different layouts and came up with this:
Both variations of the Table Toppers will be in one pattern and available on the website on Friday, July 17th. I got started on this layout this weekend.

I got the entire quilt top cut out and all of the blocks are ready to sew. I stack the pieces for a block, in numerical order, with the first piece on top down to the last piece. Then I roll them up with the block foundation and clip them together. That way, I can just get right in and start sewing and I always know where I am.

The blue block at the top of this post is for the layout below. It too is totally cut out and the block pieces have been put together with the block foundations so they are ready to sew. This Curved Log Cabin Throw Quilt measures 60" x 78".

The Curved Log Cabin Block finishes at 8" and is also available in packages of 16 blocks.

On another note, the vegetable garden is coming along fine; we have a variety of squash and are even getting a bumper crop of berries which is a first for us. The tomatoes are growing, as is the corn, tomatillos and cucumbers! I have never been home long enough during the spring and summer to have such a large garden and I am really loving it. I miss my friends and customers at the quilt shows but having this time at home has been very special for me. I have been using this extra home-time to get so many projects done that kept getting put on the back burner. I refuse to let this "shut-down" get me down and always look for the positive in every situation; it makes for a much happier life. I hope you are doing the same; staying safe and staying healthy. Happy Quilting!