Gentleman's Fancy Table Runner & Other Goodies

I finally got the instructions for the Gentleman's Fancy Table Runner written and posted in the Free Instructions on our website. All it takes is one package of six blocks ($5.95 + shipping) to make this runner. This is a 12" block so you can make it anywhere from a one-block square table topper to a six-foot (plus borders) long table runner or bed runner. I dug around in my batik stash and this is what I came up with.

Monday night I dug out a long-term project to start working on again. I knew I would be spending time sitting in the car yesterday while Bob had a surgical procedure done and decided this was it. I have 42 "flowers" completed and another 20 with the centers done and the outside round basted and trimmed, ready to add. I also have another 40+ that are basted or ready to be basted. I'm not even sure how many I am going to need for this quilt. These fabrics are from Moda and I ordered them, not having a clue what I was going to do with them. I can't even remember what we kitted them for but I had a lot of bolt ends left so decided to use them for this project. As we are cleaning things out, I keep finding more bits and pieces of this fabric line so between the hexies and a pieced backing, I am hoping to be rid of it! But, I forgot how much I love making these. I have two or three other hexagon projects going and have decided that they are sort of the life-long projects. I'll occasionally catch you up with how these projects are progressing. You never know, I might actually finish one!

I worked up in the garden a bit this morning – brought in a bunch of squash and the first batch of tender young green beans along with a couple of cucumbers. The strawberries are getting bigger and I don't know what I am going to do with all of the tomatoes! I have peppers of various types so I'm thinking some salsa is going to be made and canned this year.

I hope you are all using this down-time to accomplish something, no matter how small or large it might be. Laura sent me a video yesterday of Everett (my 5-year old grandson) reading a book. I realized just how big of a step that is even though we adults find reading to be something we take for granted. He has certainly put this quarantine time to good use! And of course, I hope you all are not only accomplishing things, but that you are staying safe and staying healthy. That is what this is all about. HAPPY QUILTING!